The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
The Power of Habit:
Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (Paperback)
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, authored by Charles Duhigg, is a New York Times Best-seller book about improving our habits for a better life.
Summary of the Book:
In The Power of Habit, the renowned business reporter Charles Duhigg introduces us to the delightful edge of scientific innovations in and exploration into our habits. The book delves into matters like why habits exist and how they can be changed for a better way of business and eventually life. The human nature is studied extensively, attempting to come up with ways for better performance. He also discusses the methods of learning, why a few people and business ventures find it really hard to change, in spite of many years of struggling and trying, while some people seem to achieve it all in an instant. He even virtually takes us to those laboratories where neuroscientists are constantly discovering the part of our brains responsible for choosing our habits the way they are. The Power of Habit does offer an intriguing read.
About Charles Duhigg:
Charles Duhigg is a writer, an author and an investigative reporter for The New York Times. He graduated from the Harvard Business School and Yale College. He is honoured with the National Academies of Sciences, National Journalism, George Polk and other awards. Charles also made it to the team of finalists for the Pulitzer Prize in the year 2009. He also contributes frequently to Frontline, NPR, PBS, This American Life, and News Hour.
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